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Also without limiting the generality of the foregoing general statements and requirements, employers are prohibited from structuring their job advertisement in such a way as to indicate that a group(s) of people would be excluded from consideration for employment on one of the bases enumerated in Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, i.e. race, sex, religion, age or national origin. All advertisements and hiring practices should be in compliance with all laws applicable to recruitment, hiring, and employment, including those of the state of Louisiana and any other state for which employment opportunities are advertised.
2024 Auto Pay Terms
Beginning May 1, 2023, billing will be standardized and changed from a monthly cycle to every four weeks. Subscriber’s rate will remain the same. Subscriber will be billed every four weeks upon renewal after May 1, 2023. This does not apply to annual subscriptions and does not apply to subscribers who pay via bank draft.
Debited every 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks and 52 weeks, Auto Pay debit occurs between one and seven days prior to the expiration of a subscription period. Renewal will be at an increased rate and/or the current standard rate after the initial 52 weeks. All Notice of all rate increases will be emailed or sent via U.S. Postal Service mail to subscriber at least 30 days in advance of any increase. In some cases, additional costs, such as a fuel surcharge, may be added to a rate increase. You can click here to cancel anytime. I hereby authorize CAPITAL CITY PRESS, L.L.C. Capital City Press (The Advocate, The Acadiana Advocate, The Times-Picayune |The New Orleans Advocate) to automatically charge my account per 4-week period for payment of the subscription period I have chosen. When enrolling in the Auto Pay Program, I understand that I am hereby authorizing CAPITAL CITY PRESS, L.L.C. Capital City Press (The Advocate, The Acadiana Advocate, The Times-Picayune |The New Orleans Advocate) to automatically renew my newspaper subscription and charge my credit card or bank account. With Auto Pay, Capital City Press will charge my credit card or bank account every 4 weeks, 12 weeks, 24 weeks or 52 weeks depending on which subscription I choose. Auto Pay debit occurs one to seven days prior to expiration of the subscription. My authorization for Capital City Press to automatically charge my credit card or bank account will remain in effect until Capital City Press (The Advocate, The Acadiana Advocate, The Times-Picayune |The New Orleans Advocate) or I discontinue it. 4-week credit/debit card: (charge to be made immediately.) Automatic Bank Draft (E-Check): My first payment will be debited at the time my order is processed. Thereafter my account will be charged every month, accordingly. I acknowledge that I can cancel at any time here, and by canceling, I will not be charged any further. I also acknowledge that if a rate increase occurs pursuant to these Auto Pay Terms, I will be notified with 30 days’ notice from CAPITAL CITY PRESS, L.L.C., either via email or mail, and if I do not cancel by clicking here, I will be charged my new rate. If my Auto Pay payment is declined twice for any reason, Capital City Press will send me a written payment statement. I understand that by receiving a payment notice, I have not terminated my Auto Pay consent. I understand that by providing Capital City Press an updated credit card or bank account number, I am continuing and renewing my authorization and consent for Auto Pay to Capital City Press. I understand that I can discontinue any Auto Pay payment plan by calling customer service at 1.866.698.0200; I can self-manage and turn off Auto Pay on my customer profile on the Capital City Press website; or I can mail a written request to: The Advocate; Attention: Circulation Department, 10705 Rieger Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70809.
2024 Rate Disclaimer
The Advocate and The Acadiana Advocate
All home delivery subscription sales are non-refundable. Should you discontinue your subscription during term, the subscription will end with the expiration date on your subscription, and there will not be a refund of a prorated amount. Subscribers who purchased their subscription before Feb. 1, 2023 and wish to cancel can request a refund of a remaining balance at https://www.nola.com/app/forms/refund-request-form/. Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Capital City Press, LLC or its designee. All subscriptions purchased that include a special edition will have the special edition value deducted prior to any refund provided to subscriber upon cancellation of service. Standard premium subscription rates may be effective upon renewal. All Standard premium subscriptions include digital access and e-Edition, a digital replica of the printed Advocate edition(s). The apps are free for tablets and smartphones. Smartphone apps may not be supported on all devices. The Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. The Acadiana Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. Standard Digital subscriptions include e-Edition with the rate of $27.95 per 4-week period. Special editions included in home delivery subscriptions are 1/10/24, 2/2/24, 4/10/24, 5/15/24, 7/17/24, 9/25/24, 10/9/24, 1/15/25, 2/21/25, 4/2/25, 5/14/25, 7/16/25, 9/10/25 and 10/1/25 and are billed at $5.99 each. The Thanksgiving Day edition will be billed at $5.99. To opt out of special edition delivery, email help@theadvocate.com or call 225-388-0395. By opting out of special editions you will not receive that day's newspaper. Thanksgiving Day is not a special edition and opting out for that edition isn't permitted. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. We no longer provide credit for temporary delivery stops of 14 days or less. During a temporary delivery stop donations are made to our Newspaper in Education program. This program provides newspapers and digital access to schools across Louisiana. This program is paid for by sponsors and temporary stops so that students may use the newspaper for educational purposes in the classroom. During a temporary delivery stop of the print edition subscribers have unlimited digital access to theadvocate.com, nola.com and the apps for tablet and smartphone. Seasonal delivery times from August 2024 through February 2025 will extend to 8:00 a.m. on weekends. Subscribers may also choose to access our digital replica e-Edition of the printed Advocate, Times Picayune | New Orleans Advocate and Acadiana Advocate only. As a highly valued customer, we also value your privacy. All personal information collected by The Advocate will be used for administration and customer verification; it may be used for promotional purposes in accordance with The Advocate’s privacy policy. Please refer to our policy located at https://www.theadvocate.com/new_policy/ for information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By providing your phone number and email address you agree that we can call or email you to confirm delivery service, satisfaction and/or sales promotions as they may occur from The Advocate.
2024 Rate Disclaimer
The Advocate and The Acadiana Advocate
Beginning Feb. 1, 2023, all home delivery subscription sales are non-refundable. Should you discontinue your subscription during term, the subscription will end with the expiration date on your subscription, and there will not be a refund of a prorated amount. Subscribers who purchased their subscription before Feb. 1, 2023 and wish to cancel can request a refund of a remaining balance at https://www.nola.com/app/forms/refund-request-form/. Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Capital City Press, LLC or its designee. All subscriptions purchased that include a premium will have the premium value deducted prior to any refund provided to subscriber upon cancellation of service. Standard premium subscription rates may be effective upon renewal. All Standard premium subscriptions include digital access and e-Edition, a digital replica of the printed Advocate edition(s). The apps are free for tablets and smartphones. Smartphone apps may not be supported on all devices. The Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. The Acadiana Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. Effective 9/7/23. Standard Digital subscriptions include e-Edition with the rate of $27.95 per 4-week period. The Acadiana Advocate only: Effective 4/3/2017 limited subscription delivery availability in zip codes: Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. We no longer provide credit for temporary delivery stops of 14 days or less. During a temporary delivery stop donations are made to our Newspaper in Education program. This program provides newspapers to over 125 schools across four parishes. This program is paid for by sponsors and temporary stops so that students may use the newspaper for educational purposes in the classroom. During a temporary delivery stop of the print edition subscribers have unlimited digital access to theadvocate.com, nola.com and the apps for tablet and smartphone. Seasonal delivery times from August 2024 through February 2025 will extend to 8:00 a.m. on weekends. Subscribers may also choose to access our digital replica e-Edition of the printed Advocate, Times Picayune | New Orleans Advocate and Acadiana Advocate only. Effective April 3, 2017 limited subscription delivery availability in zip codes: 71320,71322,71327,71339,71341,71350,71351,71355,71369. Weds/Fri/Sun subscription rate is $19.95 per month plus tax. As a highly valued customer, we also value your privacy. All personal information collected by The Advocate will be used for administration and customer verification; it may be used for promotional purposes in accordance with The Advocate’s privacy policy. Please refer to our policy located at https://www.theadvocate.com/new_policy/ for information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By providing your phone number and email address you agree that we can call or email you to confirm delivery service, satisfaction and/or sales promotions as they may occur from The Advocate.
2024 Rate Disclaimer
The Times Picayune |The New Orleans Advocate / The St. Tammany Farmer
All home delivery subscription sales are non-refundable. Should you discontinue your subscription during term, the subscription will end with the expiration date on your subscription, and there will not be a refund of a prorated amount. Subscribers who purchased their subscription before Feb. 1, 2023 and wish to cancel can request a refund of a remaining balance at https://www.nola.com/app/forms/refund-request-form/. Refunds are considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Capital City Press, LLC or its designee. All subscriptions purchased that include a special edition will have the special edition value deducted prior to any refund provided to subscriber upon cancellation of service. Standard premium subscription rates may be effective upon renewal. All Standard premium subscriptions include digital access and e-Edition, a digital replica of the printed Advocate edition(s). The apps are free for tablets and smartphones. Smartphone apps may not be supported on all devices. The Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. The Acadiana Advocate standard premium subscription rates are as follows: 4-week Daily & Sunday subscription rate is $67.72 per 4-week period, plus tax. Saturday/Sunday subscription rate is $52.09 per 4-week period, plus tax. Standard Digital subscriptions include e-Edition with the rate of $27.95 per 4-week period. Standard Digital subscriptions include e-Edition with the rate of $27.95 per 4-week period. St. Tammany Parish exclusive; offers Wednesday and Sunday subscription with standard subscription rate of $10.60 per 4-week period, plus tax and include the purchase of The St. Tammany Farmer a weekly newspaper delivered with Wednesday’s New Orleans Advocate. Special editions included in home delivery subscriptions are 1/10/24, 2/2/24, 4/10/24, 5/15/24, 7/17/24, 9/25/24, 10/9/24, 1/15/25, 2/21/25, 4/2/25, 5/14/25, 7/16/25, 9/10/25 and 10/1/25 and are billed at $5.99 each. The Thanksgiving Day edition will be billed at $5.99. To opt out of special edition delivery, email help@theadvocate.com or call 225-388-0395. By opting out of special editions you will not receive that day's newspaper. Thanksgiving Day is not a special edition and opting out for that edition isn't permitted. Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. We no longer provide credit for temporary delivery stops of 14 days or less. During a temporary delivery stop donations are made to our Newspaper in Education program. This program provides newspapers and digital access to schools across Louisiana. This program is paid for by sponsors and temporary stops so that students may use the newspaper for educational purposes in the classroom. During a temporary delivery stop of the print edition subscribers have unlimited digital access to theadvocate.com, nola.com and the apps for tablet and smartphone. Seasonal delivery times from August 2024 through February 2025 will extend to 8:00 a.m. on weekends. Subscribers may also choose to access our digital replica e-Edition of the printed Advocate, Times Picayune | New Orleans Advocate and Acadiana Advocate only. As a highly valued customer, we also value your privacy. All personal information collected by The Advocate will be used for administration and customer verification; it may be used for promotional purposes in accordance with The Advocate’s privacy policy. Please refer to our policy located at https://www.theadvocate.com/new_policy/ for information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By providing your phone number and email address you agree that we can call or email you to confirm delivery service, satisfaction and/or sales promotions as they may occur from The Advocate.
Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Prices subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. We no longer provide credit for temporary delivery stops of 14 days or less. During a temporary delivery stop donations are made to our Newspaper in Education program. This program provides newspapers to over 125 schools across four parishes. This program is paid for by sponsors and temporary stops so that students may use the newspaper for educational purposes in the classroom. During a temporary delivery stop of the print edition subscribers have unlimited digital access to theadvocate.com and the apps for tablet and smartphone. Seasonal delivery times from August 2024 through February 2025 will extend to 8:00 a.m. on weekends. Subscribers may also choose to access our digital replica e-Edition of the printed Advocate, Times Picayune | New Orleans Advocate and Acadiana Advocate only. As a highly valued customer, we also value your privacy. All personal information collected by The Advocate will be used for administration and customer verification; it may be used for promotional purposes in accordance with The Advocate’s privacy policy. Please refer to our policy located at https://www.theadvocate.com/new_policy/ for information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By providing your phone number and email address you agree that we can call or email you to confirm delivery service, satisfaction and/or sales promotions as they may occur from The Advocate.12/7/23
Digital Subscription Disclaimer 2024
All Digital subscriptions are non-refundable unless otherwise specifically noted in the promotion with which you subscribe. Should you discontinue your subscription during term, the subscription will end with the expiration date on your subscription and there will not be a refund of a prorated amount. Any subscriptions purchased that include a premium will have the premium value deducted prior to any refund *if promotion permits refund upon cancellation of service. Renewal will be at an increased rate and/or the current standard rate after the initial 36 weeks. Auto Pay debit occurs one to seven days prior to expiration of the subscription. Any Digital subscription with a promotional price offer will be subject to the terms and agreements set forth with that individual promotional offer and may not be combined with other promotional offers. Upon completion of the renewal term for the promotion you subscribed to, you may be renewed at the current standard rate of $27.95. The apps are free for tablets and smartphones. Smartphone apps may not be supported on all devices. Effective 5/1/23 Standard Digital subscriptions include e-Edition with the rate of $27.95 per 4-week period. As a highly valued customer, we also value your privacy. All personal information collected by The Advocate; The Times Picayune | New Orleans Advocate; and The Acadiana Advocate will be used for administration and customer verification; it may be used for promotional purposes in accordance with our privacy policies. Please refer to our policy located at https://www.theadvocate.com/new_policy/ for information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. By providing your phone number and email address you agree that we can call or email you to confirm delivery service, satisfaction and/or sales promotions as they may occur from The Advocate, The Times Picayune| New Orleans Advocate, The Acadiana Advocate; theadvocate.com /acadianaadvocate.com/nola.com
Contacting Us
For copyright, privacy related questions, permission requests, and other matters, we can be reached by contacting:
Kyle Whitfield
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
For more contact emails and telephone directory, visit http://www.theadvocate.com/help/contact.