The weather cooperated on Jan. 1, about as well as the weather can this time of year, for the traditional Ice Man Dip and Dash in Mandeville. It was the 35th year for the 4-mile run and 110-yard swim across the Tchefuncte River. It was a sunny, 55-degree morning when runners left Franco's Health Club on Bon Temps Roule, and when they went into the Tchefuncte to swim, the river water registered 57 degrees. Troy Gonzales took first place with a time of 28:43.
The event began simply when four friends at Franco's decided to start 1989 off right with a run. En route, a bridge malfunction sent them detouring into the river, and a tradition was born. The event has grown slowly from its neighborhood roots (plus most folks would rather sleep on New Year's morning), but when the conch shell sounded this year to start the race, a record number of competitors — 65 of them — answered the call.