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The Advocate is republishing its 2023 Voter Guide for the general election so citizens can compare candidates' views on the issues. 

Here are the candidates in the runoff for two Livingston Parish council races, listed in the order they appear on the ballot.  

Maurice "Scooter" Keen


Maurice "Scooter" Keen

  • Age: 58
  • Office Sought: Livingston Parish Council
  • Party: Republican
  • Occupation: Dry cleaner
  • City: Denham Springs
  • Public Email:
  • Website and social media addresses: None
  • High School: Holden
  • College: 1 year
  • List all professional experience: Owner of Quick n Handy cleaners since 1995.
  • List any community service highlights:
    • Livingston Parish CCA Committee Member.
    • Knights of Columbus
    • Elected to the RSCC
  • Have you ever run for or held pubic office before? If so, what offices and where: Running for third term
  • How long have you lived in your current parish and in Louisiana: 49 years
  • What made you decide to run for this office in particular: Good public servant was needed.
  • Other than people, what would you say is the greatest asset your community has: The Amite river.
  • What is the greatest challenge your community faces in the near term and in the long term: The ability to slow growth while maintaining an economically diverse population.
  • What would be the first issue you would tackle if elected: Zoning

Billy Taylor

No questionnaire receive


John Mangus


John Mangus

  • Age: 56
  • Office Sought: Livingston Parish Council District 6
  • Party: Republican
  • Occupation: Teacher
  • City: Denham Springs
  • Public Email:
  • Website and social media addresses:
  • High School: Slidell High
  • College: Southeastern and Louisiana State Universities
  • Post-graduate: Louisiana State and Southeastern Louisiana Universities
  • List all professional experience: High School teacher, coach, Special Education, Medical Homebound itinerant teacher. Actor, stunt performer, screen writer and film producer.
  • List any community service highlights: President of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Men’s Club, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus member.
  • Have you ever run for or held pubic office before? If so, what offices and where None.
  • How long have you lived in your current parish and in Louisiana: 17 years in Livingston Parish. 48 years in Louisiana.
  • What made you decide to run for this office in particular: I am alarmed with the over development in Livingston Parish which has lead to poor drainage and flooding. The quickly rising population will overburden current systems such as schools, police, and emergency services. The current infrastructure cannot support this added stress.
  • Other than people, what would you say is the greatest asset your community has: The land and its natural resources.
  • What is the greatest challenge your community faces in the near term and in the long term: Over development and quickly rising population.
  • What would be the first issue you would tackle if elected: Land use ordinances and a parish wide drainage plan.

Travis Tharp


Travis Tharp

  • Age: 49
  • Office Sought: Livingston Parish Council District 6
  • Party: Republican
  • Occupation: Faith-Based Organization CFO
  • City: Parish of Livingston
  • Public Email:
  • Website and social media addresses:
  • High School: Walker High School
  • College: Ascension Technical Institue
  • List all professional experience:
    • Administrator/CFO, First United Pentecostal Church, Denham Springs, LA (2002 – Present)
    • Liaison Officer, Municipality, City of Denham Springs, Denham Springs, LA (2016-Present)
    • President, LA Floors Inc., Baton Rouge, LA (1993-2001)
  • List any community service highlights: My community service journey is deeply intertwined with our parish’s trajectory, marked by significant positions and personal investments to cater to the unrealized needs in our community. Here are some pivotal highlights:
  1. Commissioner, Volunteer Louisiana Commission: Appointed and Entrusted by the Governor of Louisiana, I have championed volunteerism and community service initiatives, aiming to foster a culture of solidarity and mutual aid in our neighborhood.
  2. Vice-Chair, Louisiana Citizens Corps Council: In my current role, I facilitate vital community preparedness and resilience initiatives, harnessing collaborative efforts to enhance our community's readiness and robustness against challenges.
  3. Director, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): At the helm of CERT, I have spearheaded disaster response and preparedness training, fostering a community that is equipped to handle emergencies with agility and cooperation.
  4. Volunteer Liaison Officer, City of Denham Springs: As the linchpin coordinating volunteer responses involving VOAD and faith-based groups during disasters, I have streamlined efforts to ensure rapid and effective responses in critical times.
  5. Member, Livingston Parish School Board’s Special Needs Advisory Panel: My personal connection, through nurturing my grand-buddy through his challenges with cerebral palsy, has made me a passionate advocate on the panel, tirelessly working to spotlight and address the unrealized needs in our community, especially concerning our most vulnerable residents.
  6. Member, Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce-Leadership Livingston Alumni Council: Being a part of this esteemed council, I have engaged in fostering leadership and encouraging visionary community projects that are focused on enhancing the economic vibrancy and quality of life in our parish.

With a heart closely knitted to our community, understanding not just its needs but also the untapped potential, I aspire to serve Livingston Parish with dedication and a visionary approach, leveraging my expansive experience in community service.

  • Have you ever run for or held pubic office before? If so, what offices and where: No, I have never run for or held a public office before. Despite this, my extensive history of service in various community leadership roles, including serving as the spokesperson for the Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce 2022 Leadership Livingston class, has afforded me a deep understanding of the vital issues at hand and a robust network of connections across the parish and state. I am eager to leverage this background to effectively serve the residents of Livingston Parish District 6 in a formal capacity, bringing fresh perspectives and a hands-on approach to fostering a thriving, inclusive, and resilient community for all.
  • How long have you lived in your current parish and in Louisiana: I have been a near-lifelong resident of Livingston Parish, having spent over 44 years immersed in the rich culture and community here. My wife and I are proud products of our public school system, having walked the halls of Walker High School as students and later seeing each of my three children graduate from the same esteemed institution. “Oh hail to the green and white, we hold you in our hearts…” From a time when Walker South Road hosted endless rows of horses and wagons in our cherished Christmas parades, to now, witnessing it transform into the most frequented route in the parish, my connection and dedication to this community have only deepened. Having witnessed firsthand the evolution of our home, navigating both its challenges and milestones, instills in me an authentic and nuanced understanding of the unique dynamics at play in our parish. This deep-rooted history and profound personal connection drive my commitment to serving this community diligently and passionately, drawing from a well of memories, experiences, and a true understanding of the needs and aspirations of our fellow residents. It’s not just about roads, schools, or parades; it's about nurturing a home that has nurtured us for generations, steering our community towards a future as vibrant as our rich history.
  • What made you decide to run for this office in particular: I believe that at this crucial moment in our parish's history, it is essential to have leaders who understand our unique qualities, love this place as I do, and are ready to make difficult decisions that will secure our future. Our parish is at a critical juncture. We can either progress towards modernization, embrace new ideas, make our government more efficient and transparent, and invest in initiatives that will create opportunities for future generations, or we can continue to operate under the same good ole boy system. The good ole boy system has its charm, its traditions, and it is what some folks are comfortable with, but the world is changing around us and we must adapt. Our decisions today will have lasting impacts on our community. We need to embrace change while preserving the spirit and values that make our parish unique.The newly elected council will be tasked with what is the most important job it has ever had to do, Zoning. I will work tirelessly to correctly implement zoning ordinances, while also modernize our local government, making it more accountable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of our community. I will focus on effective communication with our citizens and engage more people in the decision-making processes. I am running to ensure that our parish moves forward in a direction that safeguards our unique qualities, while also preparing us for the future. A future that is fair, prosperous, and bright for everyone in Livingston Parish. It is about more than just preserving our way of life. It is about improving it for everyone who calls this parish home, now and in the future. It is about not just loving this place, but also striving to make it better. Other than people, what would you say is the greatest asset your community has : The greatest asset of our community, apart from its wonderful people, is its role as a vital bedroom community for the greater Baton Rouge area. Our parish not only offers a tranquil and nourishing environment for families to thrive, but it is also a reservoir of skilled blue and white-collar workers who significantly contribute to the economic vitality of the region. Our community nurtures a workforce that is the backbone of the surrounding areas, consistently providing diligent individuals who excel in various fields and carry a spirit of hard work, efficiency, and reliability. This reservoir of talent is an unsung hero, playing a pivotal role in powering the economic engine of the greater Baton Rouge area, making a substantial contribution every day. Furthermore, our natural environment is a treasure trove of beauty and resources, offering picturesque landscapes and rich biodiversity which is not just a source of pride but also a haven for recreation and connection to nature. As we envision the future, it is crucial to strategically harness this dual asset, a vibrant, skilled workforce and our natural heritage, to foster a community that is economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable, creating a harmonious space where people and nature coexist and flourish together. Leveraging our role as a crucial contributor to the region’s workforce along with our environmental assets, Livingston Parish District 6 is perfectly poised to pave the path for a future that is prosperous, and sustain
  • What is the greatest challenge your community faces in the near term and in the long term: In the near term, the most pressing challenge facing our community in Livingston Parish is orchestrating a coordinated and robust upgrade to our existing infrastructure. It is essential that we address the needs of our public schools, water, sewer, and natural gas systems diligently to ensure their capacity meets the rising demands created by the rapid population growth over the past two decades. Similarly, we must prioritize fortifying and expanding our roads and power infrastructure to not only accommodate but also to facilitate an influx of large-scale business investments. Looking ahead to the long term, we will be confronted with ensuring a sustainable and balanced growth trajectory for the community. This involves meticulous planning and execution of drainage solutions that are resilient to natural disasters, fostering a healthy environment for both current and future generations. Additionally, we must lay the groundwork to foster affordable housing options for our residents, creating a landscape where every individual can have access to the necessary resources and opportunities, steering our community towards a future that is not just sustainable but also inclusive. To attract the kind of large-scale investments that will spur economic growth and ensure affordable housing, we must be forward-thinking, leveraging innovation and proven strategies to build a community that is ready not just for the present but the future. This approach is non-negotiable if we are to preserve the remarkable spirit and quality of life that has defined our parish for generations while moving progressively forward. Together, we can build a community that thrives, with infrastructure that supports every resident, sustaining a brighter, more prosperous future for all in Livingston Parish district 
  • What would be the first issue you would tackle if elected: The first issue I would prioritize if elected is the implementation of parish-wide zoning. Establishing comprehensive zoning policies will be a cornerstone in fostering a structured and sustainable growth environment in our community. Zoning is not merely a regulatory tool; it is a vision that aspires to enhance the living conditions and economic potential of our parish. Zoning helps in guiding residential, commercial, and industrial developments to appropriate areas, ensuring that land use is optimized without compromising the quality of life of our residents. It means creating environments where families can reside peacefully without the encroachment of incompatible uses, and where businesses can thrive with the necessary amenities and infrastructure.Zoning can play a vital role in enhancing property values by fostering organized development and preventing overcrowded landscapes. It maintains the aesthetic appeal of our community, drawing more residents and encouraging investments in our parish. Designating specific zones for different purposes can ensure a level of predictability, encouraging investments and developments to take place with a clear understanding of the community’s “Master Plan”. It allows us to strategically plot out public utilities and services in a manner that is both efficient and meets the current and future needs of our populace. Implementing zoning also facilitates the meticulous crafting of drainage systems, which is a vital aspect considering the natural landscape of our area, helping to mitigate flood risks and safeguarding our properties and environment. I envision a Livingston Parish that harmonizes growth with preservation, ushering in a future that is not only prosperous but holds true to the values and the spirit of our community, built over generations of hard work and mutual care. It's a step towards a more organized, safe, and vibrant Livingston Parish, where every resident can reap the benefits of well-planned community development   

Note: The preceding Q&As were not edited for style or substance, though if content did not meet our editorial standards, it was deleted.