Phoenix I Gemelle Martin Linzy Phoenix II Lynn Precup Isbell Phoenix III Shelby Saak and sitting Phoenix IV Carmelitta Gordon Favorite.jpg

A quartet of Phoenix royalty were on hand for the recent Ascension of the Phoenix IV, Carmelitta Maria Gordon Favorite, seated. Standing are, from left, are Phoenix I Gemelle Martin Linzy, Phoenix II Lynn Precup Isbell and Phoenix III Shelby Saak.

The Mystical Order of the Phoenix recently marked the ascension of Ms. Carmelitta Maria Gordon Favorite as the monarch for the Carnival organization.

Carmelitta Gordon Favorite-Phoenix IV.jpeg

Carmelitta Gordon Favorite, Phoenix IV

As the royal representative, the Phoenix epitomizes the ideals of the order through grace, spirit and generosity and love of Mardi Gras. She reigns for one year, then is reborn for another Carnival season.

Favorite has spent the last 43 years in various areas of the healthcare industry. She is a graduate of Xavier Preparatory High School and Louisiana Tech University.

Ms. Favorite will make her ride along the Uptown parade route Feb. 3 in the Spartan Society parade. The society is comprised of the men of the Knights of Sparta and the ladies of the Mystical Order of the Phoenix.

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